Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 3: I'm beginning to think I suck

I finally managed it (see above), but i found the whole process of putting an image from flickr on my blog rather difficult.I did however dig the flickr color pickr and some of the other related applications.
I usually use Photobucket, and I found flickr a lot harder to use. Perhaps just because I've never used it before. Perhaps because I'm old.

I thought I was reasonably tech savvy, but I am so not.

I do really enjoy sharing photos though. My friend Dan takes the most amazing pictures of his surroundings, and in the past I've tried, and we used to share them on yahoo chat. He's recently made his flickr private, otherwise I'd share some of them with you as they are too good to miss.

I'll try putting some photobucket pictures on my blog, just to get that sharing feeling....

What have we got here, hmm?:

  • A have your say form from back in the day.
  • A praying mantis i found on the road and actually *touched* to get it on some grass.
  • Whitcoulls Santa! "Come closer little girl..."
  • The Xmas trees they put on the National bank.
  • A picture one of my staff stuck on my wall a few years back.
  • If my team at ACL had T-Shirts, they'd have this image on them. Miss you PS.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I've got so many pictures of 'hilarious' things in my photobucket.
I love looking back and seeing pictures of stuff I had long forgotten about.

Which leads me on to one of the other exercises, talking about technology I love:

Long live the crappy camera phone!

How else can you catch yourself and your friends at your worst, without carrying around a big camera all the time?

I love them, and recently got a new phone with a relatively jazzy 2.0 mega pixel camera. I'm regretting it. I like the cloudy, fuzzy quality of the the ones on my old phone (see above).Lets face it, the other negative is that those close up emo shots of me trying to look mysterious are just not as forgiving with the new camera...

Here is one from my new phone, but i think it's lost all its charm.

Love the content though. My little obsession...

Good day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 2 or Thing 4

So, social networking online, huh?

I'll be honest that this is not a new thing to me. I've flown to America to meet online friends for the first time, accquired massive phone bills talking to people i've met online, and I've met some wonderful people who have become close friends online. (Hi Jerome!)

I could only really spend about 30 seconds on Bebo before my reeling and pained mind forced me to close the window.
Perhaps it is a sign that I'm getting old, but little kids talking about who they luv just doesn't appeal to me like it maybe should. I can see why it is one of the most heavily used sites by customers in the library, and it seems like perhaps a good way to get in touch with this section of our users. But in all honesty, I don’t think I would ever ever ever ever ever use it personally.

I admit it, I have a fake myspace, which I used once to 'stalk' (in a friendly and nice way) a friend.
That is about the extent of my use, except for using it to find new and interesting bands. I don't mind it as a site, but the 'joys' of dial up at home mean I can't really stream audio particularly well.(Read: can't at all. Ever) I dont know why, but Myspace feels...i dunno, a little...self indulgent perhaps? Don't ask me to qualify that, I'm too tired.

Facebook ( FB)
I don't remember how I came to have one of these, but since then I've become obsessed and pathetic about FB.

Things I like, but am ashamed of on FB:
  • I have a pet Tofu called Bungy, which you can pet in order to get 'munny'
  • It means I can stay in touch with old friends without really having to say anything
  • I have a garden which I can buy flowers and garden gnomes for
  • I can tell you all which awesome CDs I'm listening to
  • I can buy myself and others virtual drinks. (Healthier and cheaper than the real thing)
  • Hmm, I sound like a role-player, better stop...

Basically FB has become a really great way to keep in touch and have a place for me, without it always having to be about me, if that makes any sense.

ACL also has a dedicated group ' Auckland City Libraries, For LIFE' which you should all join. we currently have 46 members, and we want some more!


I feel a little guilty...

But I already like Blogger better than I like Livejournal (LJ) . I've had an LJ for years and years, but it does lose its fun after a while. Too much embarrassing emo whining and the like. Hilarious in retrospect, but at the time, well *sheesh*.

But, I'm excited to begin this Web 2.0 exercise for work, and everyone else in my team who has been doing it is loving it.

I actually tried to make this blog when I signed up for the exercise, which feels like it was about a million years ago, but it wasn't as easy as I'd thought, so I just gave up. This time around though it was a total breeze, so maybe I was having an off day. It's amazing how much time you can spend fiddling with the colours and the layout. No lunch for me!
Righty, back to work. Happy day all.