Thursday, October 11, 2007

The sky was purple the other night.

I love Auckland city at night.
Particularly after a few wines. ;)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week Four # 8- Hmmmm

So I created my bloglines profile, but the whole thing felt scary and hard. I have to say that this exercise has really made me realise how wrong I was when I thought I was 'down with the kids' when it came to technology.

Eh. I'll get there, I'm sure.

I dont think that I will use this sort of thing ever again, for the reason that I actually prefer going to peoples sites. My favourite thing so far has been making my blog 'pretty' and I know other people put in effort too. It feels like you miss out on the 'experience' reading it through a feed. And you can't see people's comments, which i also like about reading blogs.

I guess maybe for news and stuff it could be handy, but I'll need to fiddle about with it some more to really get an opinion on that.

I've only subscribed to one or two feeds, and they are mostly crap. (not you of course, postlapsaria).

Look forward to exercise nine, when i can actually find some cool stuff to look at.

I'm going to put a picture because I like it, and it's really easy with blogger.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Birthday Greeting number THREE

Danielle, you are a wonder and a marvel.
and it's your birthday.
and you rule.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Too early

I'm sending this from my mobile phone instead of getting ready for work. I wonder if it will work.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Should be working...

I Hate:

  1. I hate daylight savings with a passion. I'm fuzzy headed and bleary eyed.
  2. I have run out of washing powder and money to buy more.
I Like:
  1. I really like the thunder and the rain though.
  2. The fact that there is only an hour to go.

I'm going to walk home tonight. Should be rather fun.

I drew this ages ago on the computer. Funnily enough on another similar Monday.