Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Week6 #14-Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

758 blogs about Learning 2.0
1167 posts tagged Learning 2.0


Technorati is actually pretty cool, giving me ways to find new and interesting blogs to look at. It was cool to see that postecret ( http://postsecret.blogspot.com/) was there. i got a book out from work a while ago with some of these in it, and it seems pretty interesting if not a little emo. :)

I love the way when you search for something, you get a little graph showing how many blogposts there have been mentioning your search term in the last 30 days. It's kind of mind blowing really. Led Zeppelin were at the top of the most popular page when I took a look there, and since Dec 9th, the number of posts has gone up by about 250 which is fascinating.

I actually found a great blog in a google search for a photo of a worm on the concrete after the rain ( don't ask). I talked about how great that blog was on my journal and tagged it in there and the woman who publishes the blog found it, and left me a nice comment, which was cool. I wonder how she found me, maybe it was through technorati! Maybe not. Who knows.

My only tiny problem with this site is that in the popular tags of the moment was something i had never heard of (well I had, but only in context) which was 'bbw'. One simple click lead me to a wealth of big beautiful women porn, and the associated tags ad photos were defintely NSFW ( not safe for work). I'm not a prude by any means (this could be considered a plus by some!) but I also know some people could have a problem with it.

Here's hoping ITC don't check my history and fire me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well there seems to be pluses and minues for this one