Thursday, February 26, 2009

# 5 (Week 3) Lit Lovers

I've always been interested in book clubs. I think they sound really interactive and enjoyable, but I've never even considered joining one. Lit Lovers really reinforced never joining one for me.
I thought Lit Lovers was okay as a base point, but didn’t have most of the books I’ve ever loved enough to wanted to talk about. It seems aimed at middle aged women, and fair enough, as I’m guessing they are the main book club members of the world.

I eventually chose ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close’ by Jonathan Safran Foer
I thought the collected information was very interesting, and I really enjoyed seeing the user attributed questions to stimulate book club discussion. They actually reminded my why I liked the book in the first place, so I think I’ll check it out again! This would be a great tool for people keen to start a book club, and if I ever find myself in a position where I'm asked to run one, I'm glad I found out about this site!

1 comment:

ACL web 2.1 said...

The Chair

Well done on having such a good look at Litlovers interesting books :-)